Hubble Reveals Creation in 25 Year Orbit

By April, 2015 the Hubble telescope will have orbited the earth approximately 136,875 times traveling nearly 3.7 billion miles photographing a Grand Drama along its way, since April 24, 1990.
Hubble In Orbit Over Earth For Past 25 Years
Hubble In Orbit Over Earth For Past 25 Years
ORLANDO, Fla. - Jan. 19, 2015 - PRLog -- The Hubble telescope will turn 25 on April 24, 2015. It has been orbiting the earth making one complete orbit every 97 minutes for 25 years. It has taken hundreds of thousands of images of the universe. Hubble has captured a frame by frame photo drama of creation giving us the details Genesis left out, according to author Paul Hutchins.

Hutchins, who did four years of research into the discoveries made by Hubble says, “when you stitch together the images and data Hubble has collected, what emerges is the Greatest Drama in Human History; the creation of an Awe-Inspiring Universe.

In his book Hubble Reveals Creation by an Awe-Inspiring Power, Hutchins points out that when Galileo turned his telescope to the night sky in 1609, he set mankind’s imagination ablaze. This newly invented device as simple as it was evoked a telescope race, and an insatiable quest to the stars by man, as if being drawn by some invisible magnetic force.

The book raises a thought provoking question; was the invention of the telescope and man's insatiable quest to build them bigger, and better part of some master plan to reveal to humanity an incredible universe, by an incomprehensible power?

For generations, humans had gazed at the stars with only their naked eyes wondering what lay beyond the night sky. With the invention of the telescope everything changed.  It was as if a veil had been lifted for all eyes to see, an Awe-Inspiring universe with stars beyond counting.

The telescope had a very humble beginning. It evolved from the spyglass used by sailors to spy on distant ships. One story contends that in1608 Hans Lippershey in the Netherlands got the idea for his spyglass invention from children playing in his shop. They held two eyeglass lenses up together and discovered they could see the weather-vane atop a distant church.

With each passing generation of telescope builders from Galileo onward, the size and magnification of the telescope grew as did the compulsion to point them skyward. While some were driven by their thirst for fame or prestige, others were propelled by a sheer quest to know what existed out there, in this bold new world. That race continues today costing billions of dollars, and hundreds of millions of dedicated man hours searching the night sky.

The James Webb telescope ( is now planned to replace Hubble in 2018. According to NASA, “Webb will see farther, and unleash a torrent of new discoveries, opening the door to a part of the universe that has just begun to take shape under humanity's observations.” Price tag $8.7 Billion. Stay tuned for part two to the Grandest Photo Drama in human history!

Hutchins ( says he drew one conclusion about man’s obsession with the telescope, “what I learned from my study of the development of the telescope is that, man's incredible imagination to devise new ways in his insatiable quest to "Look up into the heavens,” is hindered only by the depth of his pockets!”

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